The actual definition of ethic is arising from habit. This is a fitting definition for the most part. After all, ethics covers topics such as right, wrong, evil, and the things of that sort. As for the actual parts of ethics, there is some minor difference, but for the most part, there are three major parts which make up ethics as a whole. The three parts of ethics are applied ethics, normative ethics, and meta ethics. Meta ethics involves looking into the actual being of the concepts of ethics.
Another way of putting this, is that it considers whether statements are claims of truth. It involves expressions of emotion, if those expressions are true, and what is the meaning of those expressions? Most of the first part here covers truth, the relationship it has to society, and it also deals a little bit with culture. Normative ethics comes as sort of a middle man between the first ethics we just talked about and applied ethics. It is an attempt to arrive at morals in which we would want to live with. Morals which are used for a decent and good life, are the goal ethics which normative ways try to achieve. The way in which we behave is determined by the good and bad ethics we use in our everyday life.
Ethicists or normative ethicists who follow the first approach stated are often called virtue ethicists, and think about the various virtues or good habits that should be acquired in life. Aristotle is a pioneer virtue ethicist for example. Normative ethicists who follow the second approach are often called deontological ethicists. Immanuel Kant set out the large framework for a deontological normative ethical theory.
Normative ethicists who follow the last and third approach are often called utilitarians or consequentialists. When it is said that normative ethicists are consequentialists, it should be remembered that consequentialism is meant as a very broad term. A consequence includes the good in itself, of an action. An idea which can be applied alongside ethics is the subject of human morals. The human conscience is known to encourage people to do the right in our lives.
It is that little voice which speaks to us and helps us to make the right decisions. The conscience is an effective system of judgment, a desire to strive for the good in life, to choose wisely, and to follow the common good laws of man.
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